The Assembly Line in the Age of AI
Last modified: 10/6/2024, 11:35:31 AM
I've just started re-reading Andy Grove's classic High Output Management and am thinking about it from the lens of using AI as technological leverage.
In the first chapter, there is the infamous breakfast production line example, where he breaks down identifying different parts of a process such as preparing an egg, toast, and coffee for a customer's breakfast.
Essentially he is getting to the root of the idea that any known process resembles an assembly line of actions that take place is a known order, and that is up to the manager to make sure that the activities that are taking place are happening in the optimized order.
How does this relate to AI?
Well if you take a look at any business, you can just take a look at the assembly line of activities that make up their process and find ways to use AI to make expensive, tedious, and/or time-consuming activities less of a burden.
Will read more of the book and see what other takeaways I find.